Wednesday 21 March 2007

"Diane, it's 1:23 PM..."

So let's get one thing straight. I'm sure you're all wondering why the hell this blog is entitled The Liquid-Chest Files. Of course, you're actually not. Hell, theres not even a "you", as no one has yet viewed this blog except me.

Still, I'll tell you anyway. Liquid-Chest Productions is the name of my production company. And now, I'm sure you're thinking "How can he have a production company if he can't even write a script?" and "What a stupid-ass name!".

Well, firstly, screw you. And secondly, I have written things in the past. Why I've even made a couple of short films. Infact, one of them, Alice Still Lives Here, went on to win the film festival at my sixth form. How exactly, I'm still not sure, considering that it's a piece of crap at best.

Saying that, though, it'll always hold a special place in heart. It was made with the intention of being my A-level coursework, but after viewing the footage after the shoot I realised that it wouldn't get me a good grade and withdrew it from submission. Instead I submitted a somewhat beefed up version of the script I had written, which contained several new scenes and instead of being a complete short film was the opening fifteen minutes of a feature film. I was especially proud of the script I submitted, as I loved how the idea developed over the process. Alice was originally a bloke named Jerry. It was after changing him to a her I realised the potential for the plot twist and a witty title (See Scorsese's Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore).

The film even has a minor cult following. It's very popular at Oxford University, where Sam (the star) attends. Apparently, and I really love this story, one girl he showed it to there didn't sleep the following night because she was so freaked out.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, you can watch it for yourself and tell me how naff you think it is right here:

This leads me nicely on to my first homage, which was probably the main inspiration for the idea. Even though I blatantly got the idea for the film, which was originally just called Jerry, from an episode of The X Files where a guy's conscience talks to him when ever he looks in a mirror. However, the character of Alice, was also loosely based on Bob, from Twin Peaks.

Twin Peaks was my first venture into the world of David Lynch, and I was absolutely blown away by it. I loved the way it darkly parodied daytime soap operas and at the same time had loads of surrealist elements. I also how genuinely bizarre most of the characters were. My favourite was, and still is, Special Agent Dale Cooper, in what has to be the best role of Kyle Machlachlan's career.

That guy was just straight up pimp. He's like a modern day (or at least early 90's) Sherlock Holmes. Nothing about him doesn't fascinate me. From his ongoing one sided conversations with the never seen Diane, to his love of coffee and cherry pie. I'd die a happy man if I wrote a character that interesting.

Another thing I loved, which wasn't included in the actual film of Alice Still Lives Here, but something I referenced in the beefier script I wrote later on, was how poignant everyday objects could be. For instance, the dangling traffic light swaying in the wind being such a prominent omen for doom and Laura Palmer's prom photo, which is like the Mona Lisa to a generation of TV junkies. But that's just David Lynch being the genius that he is.

You can see a lot of Twin Peaks in TV shows today, Lost particularly and even in things like Desperate Housewives. To me though, it's a show that's brilliance and just plain weirdness will never be matched. If you haven't yet, I sincerely recommend you check it out.


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